Preparing for Surgery
Prepare for Your Surgery
- You are encouraged to contact your insurance provider in advance to confirm benefits and coverage for your surgery, including those for anesthesia. Remember to bring your insurance and prescription cards with you to the Ambulatory Surgery Center the day of surgery.
- Your scheduled surgery time is an estimate only. Although every effort will be made to keep to your scheduled time, the amount of time needed for surgeries before yours and the need to schedule any emergency cases may cause a delay.
- Do not consume alcohol 24 hours prior to your surgery. Unless otherwise instructed, do not eat or drink eight hours prior to your scheduled surgery time. This includes coffee, gum or mints. You may have water until three hours prior to your surgery.
- Arrange for reliable transportation home after surgery - a taxi is not considered reliable transportation. If reliable transportation is not arranged your surgery may be cancelled.The person driving you home must check in with you at the front desk of the Ambulatory Surgery Center. POA requires you to be released to a family member or friend after surgery. Your ride should be available to pick you up 30 minutes before you are discharged from the Ambulatory Surgery Center.
- It is recommended to have a friend or family member care for you when you arrive home from surgery, and for a couple of days following surgery if needed.
- If you are having knee, foot or ankle surgery, you should bring crutches with you to the Ambulatory Surgery Center. Talk with your surgeon about a prescription for crutches.
- For patients 17 years or younger, a parent or guardian must be at the Ambulatory Surgery Center at all times during the surgery. Remember to bring a favorite blanket or toy for young children.
- Showering or bathing the morning of surgery is suggested. This helps prevent infection and you will feel more comfortable if you are unable to shower or bathe for a few days after the procedure.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that will easily fit over bandages or braces. If you are having shoulder surgery, wear a loose button-up top.
- Do not wear any jewelry on the side of your body that is to undergo surgery. If you have problems removing rings, contact a jeweler. All valuables, such as jewelry and credit cards should be left at home.
- Only light make-up should be worn, with no make-up around the eyes. All nail polish should be removed prior to surgery, including polish on toenails. Patients with long hair should not wear metal hair pins or barrettes.
- Be sure to remember cases for contacts, glasses or hearing aids.
- Bring a list of current prescription and over-the-counter medications and doses (including any herbal supplements). Any herbal supplements should be stopped three weeks before your surgery.
- Stop taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen or Aleve) at least 14 days prior to your surgery. If you are a patient taking aspirin for cardiac reasons, continue taking your daily aspirin as usual. Talk with your surgeon if you take prescription anti-inflammatory medications.
- If you have diabetes, do NOT take any oral diabetic medication the morning of your surgery. If you are on insulin, administer half of the normal dose the morning of surgery and bring the remaining dose with you to the Ambulatory Surgery Center. Contact your primary care physician with any other questions or concerns regarding your diabetes medications and your surgery.
- If you have a heart condition, take any prescribed medications as usual with only a sip of water.
- If you have respiratory problems and use an inhaler, use it as usual and bring it with you to the Ambulatory Surgery Center.