Platelet-Rich Plasma in Early Knee Osteoarthritis

Platelet-Rich Plasma in Early Knee Osteoarthritis

William P. Barrett, MD

Platelet-rich plasma is a material that is prepared by centrifuging (spinning at high speeds) whole blood obtained from a patient. This separates the blood into basic components based on weight. It includes plasma, platelets, and red blood cells. The plasma with platelets is then utilized to inject into the knee.

It is thought that platelet-rich plasma stimulates material within the knee to inhibit cartilage degradation, and this inhibition of cartilage degradation is useful in treating knee osteoarthritis. There is evolving literature that indicates platelet-rich plasma can be useful, particularly in younger, more active individuals with mild arthritis.

Several studies have compared the usefulness of platelet-rich plasma to viscosupplementation utilizing hyaluronic acid. The majority of studies have shown favorable outcomes for platelet-rich plasma when compared to viscosupplementation. Further research is required with double-blind studies to compare the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma to other non-operative treatment modalities for early and moderate arthritis treatment. End-stage osteoarthritis associated with increasing pain and decreasing function is still best treated with joint replacement surgery.

If you suffer from osteoarthritis or are considering joint replacement surgery talk to your doctor about a referral to Proliance Orthopedic Associates or contact us at (425) 656-5060. Our world-class surgical staff performs joint replacements, including hip replacement and knee replacement surgery, at Valley Medical Center, which is located next to our orthopedic clinic in Renton, WA.

Dr. William Barrett

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